Mr. Ram Bisht

Raised as a food enthusiast trying the flavors and delicacy of India in his mother’s kitchen was pushed by his enormous passion to master the art of great Indian delicacy to a broader professional cooking and the world of great Indian food. Ram was born in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal which is famous for the great food concept of ‘ Byanjana” that influenced the Royal Kitchens of medieval india. Ram is habitually adhered to distinctive practices of planning of menu, overseeing food preparation, production, ensuring food safety and he always observed and adopted the best of food business management and the minutest details of excellent quality enhancements taking the great Indian hospitality of the best ways to cook design and present foodstuff to the next level.

In the span of his long career, Ram opened many small and medium sized restaurants that catered millions earning massive goodwill and experience to see the finer side of the profession. Raagini at Baldwin Harbour in Long Island is one of best presence in the area specializing in North Indian choices. As a professional team player with more than 30 years of experience in the world of the great Indian food and hospitality and continuously mentoring and training his crew for a flawless operation is making Raagini a regular stop of proud and happy customers where cooking is not just chemistry but an art. Ram is inspired to incorporate the native flavors into his cuisine and he believes in improving himself everyday without pacifying the quest for the best to be served and heartily welcomes you at Raagini with pride and pleasure.

Mrs. Malti Bisht

Mrs. Malti Bisht is born, raised, and educated in India, Bombay, one of the unique countries in South Asia which is known for its diversity in terms of cultures, languages, and foods. As Ms. Malti was grown in a prestigious Bisht family, serving food with especial hospitality to the guests and relatives was one of her main cultures that she was groomed from the very beginning. Ms. Bisht, developed her passion for food because of the influence of the various cultural foods that were prepared in her family on different occasions and festivals celebrated in India. Growing her interest in business from the beginning of her life, Ms. Bisht earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Management from Bombay University, India, and worked for Senior Management positions in corporate sectors in India, and the US. Now, Ms. Bisht is dedicated to the chain restaurant business in different locations in New York and takes pride in serving its community. Ms. Bisht gives executive leadership to their restaurant and other chain restaurants established in Long Island, New York.

Ms. Bisht takes active interest in running all marketing, sales and promotions, and takes charge of administration, as well as logistics and financial support.